Phoenix Domestic Abuse Services receives over 600 referrals
each year and of these engages with around 200 victims of domestic abuse, 50 perpetrators
and 35 young people. Each individual has
a unique story and our work is person centred and adapted to meet those
individual needs.
The following is a typical story of a couple who have worked
with the service.
Diane and Jack had been together for a few months when the
police first attended. Diane had called
the police and reported that violence and threats had been used. During the
next 12 months there were 10 incidents where the police attended and completed
a risk assessment form. On 3 of these
occasions Diane gave consent for a referral to be made to Phoenix DAS. A number of these incidents were classified
as High Risk and agencies were trying to engage both Diane and Jack.
A referral was also made to Phoenix DAS from Social
Services. These referrals resulting in
Phoenix DAS attempting to contact Dianne on 4 occasions. Diane later admitted that she was not ready
to even think that her relationship was abusive, let alone do anything about
it. Diane did agree to an initial
appointment but did not attend.
This ‘non engagement’ can be typical when a victim of
domestic abuse first comes into contact with support agencies and Phoenix DAS
is able to use a flexible and creative approach when making contact and
engaging with victims. Very often
needing to ‘leave the door open’ for future contact.
Diane and Jack’s first child was born during this time and
Diane began to engage on a one to one basis. She had an initial appointment
with a safety worker (IDVA) where a full support and safety plan was completed
along with a risk assessment. With a lot
of encouragement and support Diane then began to attend The Knowledge Programme.
The Knowledge Programme is a 10 week programme designed and
developed by Phoenix DAS and delivered twice weekly in Phoenix House. It can help participants understand and
define domestic abuse, how it has affected them and recognise their power and
choices. It covers Power & Control,
Isolation, the Effects on Children, Threats and Intimidation, Physical Abuse,
Emotional Abuse and Sexual Abuse.
18 months after first meeting and despite claiming that they
were no longer in a relationship Diane disclosed that she was pregnant with
their second child. Social Services became involved, the children were placed
on the child protection register and eventually placed in foster care. Diane and Jack’s relationship was very much
on and off. However a referral was made
for Jack to the Perpetrator Programme and they both were now engaging with
Phoenix DAS.
The Phoenix Respect Programme has been accredited by RESPECT
(a nationally recognised accreditation body for the purposes of domestic abuse
perpetrator work) to meeting a safe minimum safety standard of practice in
regards to its perpetrator intervention work.
The Phoenix Respect Programme is voluntary and is designed
for people who are ready to make changes. Participants will benefit from 24
core group work sessions and additional one to one support sessions. Participants consider key themes including
Victim Awareness, Accountability and Honesty, Respect, Thinking &
Behaviour, Consequential Thinking, Communications Skills, Partnership, Emotional
Control and Healthy Relationships
Over the next 6 months both Diane and Jack continued to
engage with one to one support and group programmes. They also both completed parenting
assessments with Social Services.
The rehabilitation of the children back into their care
began. Jack completed the Perpetrator Programme and the children were back with
Diane and Jack 9 months after being removed.
The couple took the decision to separate permanently and safely
6 months later with Diane having full time custody of the children and Jack
having regular access. This was very
different from previous separations in that it was managed safely and there was
a complete lack of harassment and continued abuse that had been present
previously. Jack and Diane were able to
vocalise this to professionals and both felt emotionally able to be independent
parents to their children.
We at Phoenix DAS consider this a successful result for the
whole family and in line with our service outcomes of reducing risk of harm to
victims and families in their current and future relationships. For both Diane and Jack there is also
improved sense of wellbeing and resilience and they have an increased knowledge
and understanding of domestic abuse and healthy relationships.
By this time Diane had also completed all programmes and her
case was closed with the service. Phoenix Domestic Abuse Service has continued
to have some contact with Diane sporadically and have recently checked in to
see how things are and what impact the work undertaken had with her. An annual
review form was completed and Diane said she is doing really well and her final
comment was…
“Jack got a lot out of the perpetrator programme
and our relationship is friendly, although we are not together it is
significantly better”
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